8th December 2020
1st Yatton Brownies name new roads at Eaton Park
Roads at Eaton Park, a new housing development of 154 homes in Yatton, have been named after the sixes from the local Brownie unit, following a competition organised by housing association and housebuilder Curo.
The winning names were chosen by Yatton Parish Council from a number of ideas proposed by local residents, which included suggestions inspired by Somerset’s wildlife and dialect, as well as foods and historic place names from the wider area.
Eaton Park’s main road will bear the name of the unit’s leader, ‘Barn Owl’ Road, while the smaller streets have been named after the sixes: ‘Fox’ Avenue, ‘Rabbit’ Close, ‘Hedgehog’ Way and ‘Squirrel’ Close.
Curo made a £200 donation to 1st Yatton Brownies to thank them for their help. The sixes will be using the money to hire a mobile climbing wall and have some fun after a year that has been largely lacking in exciting activities due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Sue Willis, 1st Yatton Brownies Guider, says: “It’s wonderful that Curo have involved the local community in naming the roads at Eaton Park. We can’t believe we won, and we’d like to thank Curo for the generous donation; the girls are over the moon!
“We’re hoping that this will also help increase awareness of Girlguiding. 1st Yatton Brownies are part of Girlguiding UK, a female only organisation with sections for girls aged 5 to adults. We’re always keen to welcome new members, especially adults. We’re all volunteers and are always looking for more willing pairs of hands. Guiding is great fun and provides amazing opportunities to try new things both for girls and women. Anyone interested in joining can apply through our website.”
Jodie Winter, Curo Sales Manager, says: “We’d like to thank all local residents who have taken the time to send in their suggestions – we loved the contributions and it was a tough call for us and the Parish Council to choose the winners. Congratulations to 1st Yatton Brownies whose ideas were very warmly received by the ‘selection committee’.
“We’re proud to be working with the local community to deliver a beautiful new residential development at Eaton Park in Yatton. Our sales suite is now open seven days a week by appointment only and we encourage those interested in our stunning two-, three- and four-bedroom homes to give us a call on 0345 140 5050 or email eatonpark@curo-group.co.uk for more information.”
If you're interested in the new homes at Eaton Park, Yatton, head over to our sales website to find out more.