10th July 2020
Curo to build 154 new homes in Yatton, North Somerset
Bath-based housing association and housebuilder Curo has been granted full planning permission by North Somerset Council to build 154 new homes in the village of Yatton.
The homes, which include 108 for open market sales, 37 for social rent and nine for Shared Ownership, will be delivered on land at the roundabout junction of North End (B3133) and Arnold’s Way.
The housing association is currently carrying out improvement works to this roundabout, approved separately by the Council in November 2019, which will provide access to the new development. Curo prioritised the infrastructure upgrades in response to a request from the local community, to minimise disruption from vehicular traffic during the construction phase. The highway works are expected to complete in September, when construction activity will move on site.
Curo acquired the land with outline planning permission for up to 170 homes late 2018.
Curo Chief Executive, Victor da Cunha, says: “We’ve worked closely with North Somerset Council and local stakeholders on the detailed plans for this scheme. I’m particularly pleased that, while we have reduced the density of homes in response to feedback from the Council and representatives of the local community, we have been successful in designing a high-quality scheme and maintaining 30% of the new homes as affordable housing.
“Curo will retain the social homes on this scheme in perpetuity, letting them at reduced rent to local people on the Council’s waiting list.
“As a housing association we have no shareholders, so all the profits we make from building and selling homes are reinvested in delivering more affordable housing for people in our region and maintaining and improving our existing homes.
“The region desperately needs more homes, particularly affordable homes, so being able to provide much-needed housing is good for local people and, because of the jobs it creates, good for the local economy too.”
The development will be known as Eaton Park and, in addition to homes, will also create high-quality public open space with tree and shrub planting, wildflower meadows and a Local Equipped Area for Play (LEAP). Cycle way improvements will connect the development to the famous Strawberry Line - part of the National Cycle Network 26 - a 10-mile picturesque route between Yatton and Cheddar.
Curo will also contribute approximately £2m towards improving or creating new community, leisure, education and transport infrastructure within the surrounding area.
The first homes on the site will be ready for occupation by May next year with completion of the development anticipated by the end of 2023.