10th June 2022
Our Carbon Neutral Efforts
With the frequency of energy crises only increasingly likely, all signs point towards a need for global carbon neutrality. It’s our job as housebuilders to create energy solutions that are built into the design of our homes so that a dependence on fossil fuel supplies won’t stop us from living comfortably. Not only this, but if every house in the UK was carbon neutral in-use, our national carbon emissions would cut by nearly a third – our planet needs action like this to survive the climate crisis.
Here at Curo, we’re doing our best to work towards carbon neutrality across all our current and upcoming developments for the benefit of both people and planet by implementing measures that reduce each household’s carbon footprint.
At our flagship development, Mulberry Park, we were the first developer in Bath and North East Somerset to build Passivhaus homes (a house architecturally engineered to achieve space heating of up to 90%). Our first residents have been living practical, eco-friendly lifestyles since Autumn 2021, meaning they’ve already saved over half a year’s in-use carbon emissions. Mulberry Park was rated “unqualified success”, by David Birkbeck the author of Building for a Healthy Life.
As we have all experienced over the past few months, a reliance on gas is now precarious and costly. At Mulberry Park phase 4, Century Park and Eaton Park, we have designed the homes to run without needing a gas supply, taking them off the gas grid. At Century Park, we have also incorporated ground source heat pumps in the designs to keep the energy source as renewable and sustainable as possible.
Looking to the future there is still a lot more we need to do to fully achieve carbon neutrality. However, our efforts to date, along with our immediate plans to implement air source heat pumps at our upcoming Keyford Meadows development, and install solar panels and water butts across the majority of our homes, are all exciting steps in the right direction and we’re not going to stop there!
For more information about our developments, head to www.curo-sales.co.uk or call 0345 140 5050.